I know it broke her heart. I know it broke her heart to see her boys at odds. God had given her just two sons and from infancy to adulthood they were at odds. They were not like some brothers who have spats and then make up or who struggle with one another but still share a fraternal kind of love. No, these two genuinely hated each other. They resented one another and fought constantly. When their mother drew near to her final days, it grieved her to know that after her funeral they would go their separate ways and the family tie would be forever broken.

There is something so tragic about this kind of discord between siblings. The family unit is meant to be united by all it shares and all it holds in common. It is heartbreaking to see it disrupted by anger, spite, envy, or any other factor. Parents are especially distressed to see their children fall out and break apart. Many parents, even as they’ve experienced the aches, pains, and challenges of old age, have had this sorrow added to the rest—this sorrow that is far greater than the rest.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.