Good morning. May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include another great big list. There’s a highly-recommended reader-friendly commentary on Philippians, a book for spouses to learn to pray together, Al Mohler’s look at Jesus’ parables, and much more.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Pastoral Prayer: Examples and Inspirations)

Our Greatest Tool for Reaching the West Again

Aaron Armstrong: “We need to keep sharing the gospel, but we also need to point to the evidence of its truthfulness. How can we prove it? In one sense, it’s impossible to satisfy a person’s questions or doubts about the truthfulness of the gospel message (at least until they experience it). But we can point to one thing in particular as proof: our fellowship with one another.”

Ordained or Allowed?

A lot of people wonder whether God ordains or allows bad things to happen. Reflecting on the loss of her son, Donna Evans says both are true.

If the Twin Towers Fell After Twitter

It is an interesting thought experiment to consider how 9/11 would have been different if Twitter had existed at the time. “For a time,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.