Jesus: Man of Suffering, Soul Physician of the Suffering, and Sympathetic High Priest 

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Table of Contents 

Here’s what you’ find in this free resource:

A Blog Post About Jesus’s Suffering: The Chronic Suffering of Jesus: Your Sympathetic High Priest. A Comprehensive Collation of Every Gospel Passage Where Jesus Suffered: 256 Passages from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. A Blog Post About Jesus Healing the Suffering: Jesus: Soul Physician of Embodied-Souls. A Comprehensive Collation of Every Gospel Passage Where Jesus Healed the Suffering: 102 Gospel Passages from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. A Blog Post Jesus As Our Sympathetic High Priest: Jesus Empathizes with Your Traumatic Suffering. A Blog Post About Jesus and Solitude: 48 Gospel Passages About Jesus and Solitude: Rest, Renewal, Withdrawal for Reflection, and Prayer to His Father.  Man of Suffering; Acquainted with Our Suffering 

Long before the four Gospels pictured Jesus’s suffering, Isaiah prophesied about it.

He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.