I recently read and thoroughly enjoyed Simon Camilleri’s little book, When Santa Learned the Gospel (10 Publishing). I believe you and your family would be blessed by it, too.

Here’s a synopsis:

Follow Santa’s journey in this unique Christmas fable as he learns about Jesus’ message of grace and discovers what it means for both the Naughty and the Nice.

Beautifully illustrated and filled with poetic verse, here’s a taste of the feast that awaits when your family reads When Santa Learned the Gospel:

Instead of being written off as just not good enough,

the message of the naughty list was one of grace and love.

The gospel offered mercy

to all those deserving coal.

The gospel offered forgiveness

and cleansing of the soul.

The gospel told how Jesus died our death to pay the price.

To reconcile us all to God—both naughty and the nice.

This offer was a real gift,

unlike presents ‘neath the tree.

It was not earned by being good.

God offered it for free.

Santa compared his message with this new one he had learned.

His message said you got the presents your good deeds had earned.

The message of the gospel

offered something

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.