When I became a NANC certified counselor thirty years ago, I was number thirteen out of thirteen women certified. There were previously about 100 men and they had to have been pastors and ordained to even qualify. Not long before I was certified, no women were allowed to be certified. NANC was in new unchartered waters. There was never an issue about women counseling men. Actually, I don’t think it ever occurred to any of us. It seemed to me that some things were biblically self-evident.

I worked for eight years with Lou Priolo at the Atlanta Biblical Counseling Center, and I only counseled women. On occasion, Lou and I would team together with a couple who needed our help, but Lou was in charge and he took the lead. Out of eight years working with Lou, I can only remember a couple of times that a husband sat in with his wife during one of my sessions. That was very unusual, and the wife clearly needed her husband’s help. I counseled her and her husband would, hopefully, encourage his wife along the same biblical lines when they got home.

Today, influenced by the universal demand for equality of the

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