Today’s Kindle deals include fall toward the academic side of the scale.

Westminster Books has the excellent New Studies in Biblical Theology series on sale. Meanwhile, Logos is offering free access to some of their courses as well as to movies and documentaries.

(Yesterday on the blog: All the Free and Discounted Stuff for these Difficult Times – Updated)

The Great Empty

The New York Times has a photo gallery of the world’s most popular places devoid of people; you may need to register a free account to see it, but you don’t need to subscribe. (See also Break the Chain.)

9 Things You Should Know About the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Suddenly, 102 years later, everyone is talking about the 1918 influenza pandemic. Joe Carter gives some facts about it. “From 1917 to 1920, the virus infected one-third of the Earth’s population, which at the time was about 500 million people. If the same ratio of infections were to happen today, it would be the equivalent of 2.5 billion. That would roughly be the equivalent today of every man, woman, and child in Africa, Europe, and North America becoming infected.” (See also: COVID-19UGANDA and Can Baptism and the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.