With the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, a lot of ministry is moving from physically present to online. Biblical counseling is no exception.

But can we really offer biblical counseling via video—using online video conferencing systems like Skype or Zoom?

When you talk about counseling via video, you hear a lot of opinions. Some think it’s unusual. Some thinks it’s awkward. Some think it’s necessary for now, but second-best. And some think it’s downright wrong!

I think differently about video counseling—because I’ve been doing it for over five years. I love biblical counseling via video.

Whether or not you love it, at least for the short-term you’re either going to adapt to it and adopt it, or you’re going to suspend your biblical counseling ministry for the time being. And who knows how long that may be…?

So, here are seven “tips” or “best practices” about biblical counseling via video conferencing from my five+ years of providing counseling this way.

Tip #1: Relax; It’s Biblical

In the Bible and in church history, people practiced soul care from a distance. For more detail about this, see my recent blog post: Practicing Spiritual Connecting While Social Distancing.

In that post, I

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.