In the fields of practical theology and biblical counseling, there are many books that have brought attention to the importance the heart plays in daily life; however, in his new book, With All Your Heart: Orienting Your Mind, Desires, and Will Toward Christ,  A. Craig Troxel provides a refreshing and comprehensive examination of this topic that promises to both equip pastors in their ministerial charges and Christians in their personal journeys towards spiritual growth and maturity.

As noted early in this volume, the author’s purpose is to highlight “that the word ‘heart’ is the most important word in the Bible to describe who you are within” (16). In pursuing this goal, Troxel does not only seek paint a helpful picture on how the heart responds and reacts to life’s circumstances. He focuses his attention upon what makes up the diverse, yet interrelated, facets of the heart and why disciples of Jesus should rejoice when the heart properly functions and, in turn, be concerned about the ways the heart can become compromised (99).

Troxel pulls from the rich historical writings of several Protestant Reformers and Puritan theologians. What Troxel identifies as the “threefold scheme of the heart,” which includes the mind,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.