
One of the most destructive aspects of ungodly discipline and correction is the lack of godly dialogue. God has wonderfully provided all the apparatus for meaningful communication with one another. Yet the most life shaping opportunities parents have in their children’s lives are often one-sided.

Monologue is not godly communication. Long speeches that try to strong-arm our children with arguments, threats, warnings, and predictions will not change their hearts. It will harden their hearts.

All of our conversation with our children should afford them an opportunity to respond—not as peers, but as children interacting with the direction and instruction of parents. We should encourage children to respectfully respond in conversation to help us understand how they are feeling, thinking, processing, understanding, and responding to our direction and inquiries.

Often conversation needs refining so that we don’t misunderstand one another. We should be sensitive to whether our observations and assessments are fair and true. This can be done in ways that respect parental authority. Has our child been able to get everything out? Have I adequately understood the situation and circumstances?

If a child feels misunderstood or treated unfairly, little will be accomplished. We can disarm so much rebellion by

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.