Six months ago many of us were excited to kick off the year with a new Bible-reading plan. We had the plan printed out and the Bible laid open and the time set aside. We began with a lot of discipline and enthusiasm. But along the way, life happened. We missed a day here and there, then missed a week, then realized we had fallen far behind. Now, halfway through the year, many of us have given up and are waiting for next January so we can try it all again.

But here, halfway through the year, I want to encourage you to not wait. I want to encourage you to start the second half of 2020 strong. I want to encourage you to consider how you’ll read God’s Word from now until December. There is a lot to lose if you go 183 days without the Word; there is a lot to gain if you’ll make a commitment to reading the Bible for the next 6 months. (Frankly, has there ever been a year in which we’ve had a more desperate need to be thoroughly and constantly grounded in Scripture?)

So let me offer a few suggestions

To the full-length post originally published on this site.