Jeff Vanderstelt, Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life. Crossway: 2015. 254 pages. 


I grew up in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Compared to the South where I live now, fewer people know the contours of the gospel. In fact, folks in the PNW tend to be hostile to organized religion. Many even ascribe a semi-divine status to nature. Hearts seem harder in this wet, dark, and mossy region of the country.

For all these reasons I’m grateful Jeff Vanderstelt moved his family to Washington State in order to plant a church. He is a pastor and an evangelist who has led his congregation to be evangelistic as well. We need pastors with hearts like his. His book, Saturate, is both the history of his move to the PNW and the theological and practical vision behind a church planting movement know as Soma.


As I read Saturate I often found myself excited and challenged to be more engaged with my neighbors. It made me want to work even harder encouraging the members of the church I serve to think strategically about how they can be salt and light in their communities. Vanderstelt’s work

To the full-length post originally published on this site.