The only Kindle deals I could track down were a few titles by Warren Wiersbe. Beyond that it’s a bit of a slow day.

Wrestling with Beauty and Loss

I enjoyed this reflection on the odd juxtaposition of beauty and loss. “I think we all wonder about this tension-perhaps especially now when the news cycle seems to brim with bad news. We rejoice in God’s faithfulness in our lives, and then grab our phones and see nothing but the hardship of others. Or perhaps we are the ones in the midst of the pain, while we watch prayers be answered for others. It’s a hard tension to hold.”

Becoming an Old Soul Christian

Jared Wilson is pondering getting older and becoming an old soul Christian. “As you age, it seems like everything is passing you by. The world isn’t made for you any longer. Which is why you can become more susceptible to anger as you age. You feel left out, forgotten. Everything keeps changing at a rapid pace, but you are slowing down. Isn’t it a wonder that the Lord keeps pace with you? You may be long passed up by everything and everyone around you, but he

To the full-length post originally published on this site.