Today’s Kindle deals range far and wide, I suppose. Avid readers may also want to check out Westminster’s deal on The Mystery of the Trinity, a highly-regarded new work.

Should We Expect Our Jobs to Make Us Happy?

Barnabas Piper’s illustration here is a helpful one. “It was only once I moved out and became responsible for my own home I began to covet adhesive-backed plastic hanging hooks. They seemed ideal for hanging pictures or dust mops or calendars… until I actually tried them.”

The Uniqueness of Christian Suffering

Everyone in this world suffers, but Christians suffer in some unique ways. “We often hear that Christians do not suffer any more than non-Christians—that suffering, humanly speaking, is the same whether one is a believer or an unbeliever. The notion, of course, is that hardships are a human experience and misery is no respecter of persons. But if we think about this notion a bit more critically, we can easily see that there are additional sufferings afforded to the believer that are not part of the experience of the unbeliever. Three immediately present themselves in the Scriptures…”

What is the Most Important Election in U.S. History?

Is the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.