As my Cameroonian co-pastor likes to remind me, materialism is a global problem. The maxed-out credit cards that fill the wallets of so many Americans and the extortion that lines the pockets of so many “officials” in the world’s poorest countries are symptoms of the same disease. Materialism is everywhere. The siren song of the prosperity gospel is as alluring in the double-wide trailers of rural Montana as it is in the mud huts of rural Africa.

Biblical pastors, wherever they may find themselves, know that materialism is a spiritually deadly global pandemic. Jesus himself taught us that “the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful” ( Mark 4:19). The universal desire for stuff threatens the progress of God’s Word which alone can lead men to salvation.

What’s a pastor to do? One thing we can do is preach more about heaven. The reality of heaven will counter the ravenous and poisonous allure that materialism has on our souls. Okay, but what should we actually say about heaven? Below, I’ve highlighted four ways we can preach about heaven that will help both our people and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.