Biblical counselors rightly talk a great deal about “renewing our minds.” But what exactly is included in mind renewal?

In today’s post we answer that question by exploring a rich biblical view of the mind—of the imagination.

We Are Rational Beings 

Created in the image of our all-knowing, wise God, we are rational beings. We think in words (beliefs) and pictures (images).

This is what Adam did when he gave each animal a creative name that expressed and portrayed that animal’s unique nature (Genesis 2:18-20).

God designed us with minds that can perceive His world and advance His kingdom. In that original design, God empowered us to think wisely—to think God’s thoughts after Him, to understand life from His perspective.


We can summarize our rational capacity with the concept of mindsets. In counseling, we don’t simply help people to change one thought; we help people to understand the pattern of their thinking—their mindsets.

This is what Paul emphasizes in Romans 12:1-2 when he commands us to renew our minds—our deeply held and characteristic ways of thinking about God, self, and others.

Spiritual Eyes and Taking Our Thoughts Captive

“Spiritual eyes” is an image we can use to capture

To the full-length post originally published on this site.