Come Back, Barbara: A Father’s Pursuit of a Prodigal Daughter (John Miller, Barbara Juliani) From Heartbroken to Hopeful: Gospel Hope for Parents with Prodigals (Shirley Elliot) Letting Go: Rugged Love for Wayward Souls (Dave Harvey, Paul Gilbert) Prodigal Children: Hope and Help for Parents (Robert Jones) The Painful Path of the Prodigal (Craig Svensson) When Good Kids Make Bad Choices (Newheiser, Fitzpatrick, Hendrickson)


PART 1: The Silent Pain and Secret Shame In Our Churches (Paul Tautges) PART 2: Why Do Some Children Become Prodigals? (Jim Newheiser) PART 3: Seven Recommendations for Parents of Prodigal Children (Robert Jones) PART 4: Promises for Parents of Prodigals – Romans 8:18-31 (Ernie Baker)


A Biblical Theology of Prodigality (Parker Reardon) A Model for Hurting Parents (Steven Cole) Believing for Our Prodigals (Family Life Today)

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