David Horner, 7 Challenges Pastors Face: Overcome Common Struggles and Thrive in Ministry. Baker Books, 2008. 283 pages.

If you want to be a competent golfer, you need to know the challenges of the course you’re playing—or so I’m told; I’m a terrible golfer. Good golfers know where the hazards are, when the fairway doglegs, which club to use at what time and in which circumstance.

In his book, 7 Challenges Pastors Face: Overcome Common Struggles and Thrive in Ministry, David Horner lays out the difficulties of the course pastors are playing. He writes as a seasoned pastor to rookies and novices. He wants readers to know “how to develop and maintain a balanced spiritual life in the midst of challenging ministry situations” (10). Whether you’ve been a pastor for a day or a decade, you know that there is no shortage of these situations in your future, so you’d do well to prepare for them now—if you haven’t been already.


Horner organizes the book in seven parts—each one a challenge faced by pastors.

Calling: How do you know if you’re actually called to pastoral ministry? Vision: What vision has God given you for your ministry? Teams:

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.