Parenting is exhausting. When the day is done, parents are weary not only because of the trials of the day just finished, but also weary because tomorrow is just a few hours away. In this in-between time, the exhaustion reaches its peak. Well-meaning advice and stress-reducing plans offer little consolation. Even Bible verses may seem disconnected from the pressures of getting ready for tomorrow. Perhaps the most discouraging realization is knowing that in the morning you will wake up as wiped out as you are now.

Isaiah 55:8 reminds us that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and that his ways are not our ways. Weariness tends to overtake us when we see life’s responsibilities and burdens in isolation from God’s purposes and care. When this disconnected thinking dominates, the burden of parenting can become overwhelming and, yes, exhausting.

In these moments, the Holy Spirit reminds you that God is at work in the most intimate details of your life. He delights in blessing his children with his strength. For this to occur, it is huge for you to see God’s kindness even when you are feeling drained. He has not abandoned you. He is calling you to trust

To the full-length post originally published on this site.