This is part 2 of a 2 part series: Part 1

In the first blog, we looked at the damage done to wives whose husbands use Scripture to control and criticize them. This second installment focuses on how to help.

Spiritual abuse occurs when an oppressor establishes control and domination by using Scripture, doctrine, or their leadership role as a weapon. If a husband exhibits control-oriented leadership by lording his power, demanding submission, or using Scripture in daily life or during conflict to shame and punish, then these are signs of spiritual abuse.

When a spiritual abuser twists Scripture to attack his spouse, the damage can feel as though it comes from God himself. Even though the Scripture is out of context, distorted, and weaponized, it can seem as if God is the one doing the shaming. If the abuse comes in the form of Bible verses or doctrine, the oppressed do not usually know that what they are being told is wrong. This makes it challenging for victims to identify the damage and for us to help them distinguish the true gospel from the lies that they have been told. So we must proceed carefully in order to do

To the full-length post originally published on this site.