A Word from Bob: I’ve taken today’s blog post on 12 Biblical Counseling Resources on Medication, Mental Health, and Mental Illness from The Annual Guide to Biblical Counseling Resources2019 Edition which includes 690 resources on scores of biblical counseling and Christian living topics. The entire 160-page resource document is available here. You can also find links to eleven resource list blog posts here: https://www.rpmministries.org/writing/the-annual-guide-to-biblical-counseling-resources/ 

Another Word from Bob: Later in today’s resource list, you’ll find a resource from me: Mental Illness and the Church: Developing a Compassionate and Comprehensive Biblical Counseling Response. Download a free PDF of this manuscript here: http://bit.ly/MIandChurch


Emlet, Mike. Description and Prescriptions: A Biblical Perspective on Psychiatric Diagnosis and Medications

As Christians, how should we think about psychiatric diagnoses and their treatments? We can’t afford to isolate ourselves and simply dismiss these categories as unbiblical. Nor can we afford to accept the entire secular psychiatric diagnostic and treatment enterprise at face value as though Scripture is irrelevant for these complex struggles. Instead, we need a balanced, biblically-informed (and scientifically-informed) approach that is neither too warmly embracing nor too coldly dismissive of psychiatric labels and psychiatric medications. Biblical counselor and retired physician, Mike Emlet, gives

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.