by Shannon Kay McCoy

“Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.” (Ps. 115:8) 

Many chefs love cooking with a unique food called tofu. It is a bean curd made from soybean and milk pressed into solid white blocks. It is one of the most versatile foods—which can be used in soups, salads, and many entrees.

The beauty of this concoction is that it can take on many different food identities. It can reflect the image of chicken, ground beef, scrambled eggs, and turkey. This magical food is so loved because it takes on many flavors allowing you to enjoy different ethnic cuisines such as Chinese, Indian, Jamaican, and other countries.

Made in God’s Image

People are like tofu. We are versatile. Wherever we live, we take on the characteristics of the cultural and social environments. In Genesis 1, we learn that God made humanity unique among all His creation. We are made in His image with the ability to take on His identity and to reflect His glory. When we yield to our sin nature and turn from God, we take on other identities (Gen. 6:5).

These identities reflect the four

To the full-length post originally published on this site.