A church member listens to an energizing podcast on a popular cultural issue. Stirred by what they hear, they Google some terms to read a couple of articles on the topic. Over the weekend, they go to YouTube where they watch a fascinating interview with a so-called subject-matter expert. A few days later, they form a firm opinion on a complex and volatile issue.

On Sunday, they listen to their trusted pastor’s sermon with a new filter, sifting his message for keywords and values. Troubled by something they hear, they text a few friends who have been listening to the same podcast. Later that week, the group gets together to discuss how they can help the church to course correct.

Virtually overnight, a freshly minted opinion has become the primary lens through which church members evaluate “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). No serious biblical study; no listening for authorial or homiletical intent. Where there was humility under the Word, now there is judgment over the Word. Where there was trust, now there is distrust. How did we get here?


British documentarian Adam Curtis comments on our age:

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.