Yesterday I dropped off a congressional staffer friend at work. If you have stepped into one of the House or Senate office buildings, you know that every congressman and senator’s office posts a U.S. flag and a state flag outside its doors. This month many have added a rainbow flag to the lineup, my friend told me.  

Within minutes of dropping off my staffer friend, a pastor friend texted me and asked whether he should post a tweet calling for prayer for Christians during Pride month. I encouraged him to do so. I explained what I just learned about the flags in the congressional office buildings and then remarked, “It would be so helpful for Christian congressman to speak in truth and love on this topic right now. It would help carve out a place for regular folk to continue standing. And if I wish congressmen would, how much more do pastors need to do this!”  

That’s the moral of my story: pastor, consider how you might equip your church members to stand in truth and love during this month. As the neo-paganism of LGBTQ+ increasingly defines our nation’s public religion, more of our members

To the full-length post originally published on this site.