The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today, my friends.

(Yesterday on the blog: It’s Okay To Just Pray)

Shepherding Children through Hardships and Trials

“Seeing our children suffer through trials can be extremely difficult. Even parents who are well-equipped to cope with their own problems often find themselves feeling helpless when their child is the one hurting. How can we shepherd our children through adversity in a healthy, God-honoring way? When troubles find our children, here are three ways we can support them.”

Redeem Time in the Age of TikTok

“In an age where the tap of a finger brings a cascade of momentary images and sounds, TikTok epitomizes the ephemeral nature of our digital interactions. For billions of people across the globe, this social media platform provides a torrent of never-ending content, where each video is but a momentary ripple soon lost in the stream of ceaseless novelty.” Joe Carter explains the importance of redeeming time in an age like this one.

5 Signs Our Inner Peace Might Be a Deceptive Calm

Doug writes for those who may have been deceived into thinking that all is well with their souls.

God Is For You: No

To the full-length post originally published on this site.