A Word from Bob: COL 

I’m actually chuckling as I begin to craft today’s post. Maybe instead of LOL it’s COL: Chuckling Out Loud.

Why am I laughing at myself? Because I’m sure that I’ll end up with people on both sides of the current counseling debates disagreeing with me.

Some will say I am encouraging too much interest in being informed by the world’s research.

Others will say I am being too critical of those who seek to be trauma-informed or clinically-informed.

It’s not the first time I’ve sought to present a both/and perspective on these issues.

Some Recent “Both-And” History 

Back about two years ago (November 29, 2022 to be exact), I posted about Being a ______-Informed Biblical Counselor. This post began as an 18-tweet thread on Twitter/X.

In that post, I discussed both a potential concern about clinically-informed biblical counseling, and I affirmed the legitimacy of research-aware biblical counseling. I said it like this:

Tweet 6: Here’s where we might want to be a tad self-critical as “____-informed” biblical counselors. Is our focus foremost on the Word’s wisdom or the world’s research? If we don’t have a rich biblical-theological foundation then it’s easy for the world’s information to

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.