In our previous post, we considered a bigger picture of biblical counseling, originating in the Garden, with God offering counsel to mankind and calling mankind to share it with others in order to display His glory and serve the best interest of His people. We continue in this post, seeing throughout scripture how God’s counsel to mankind indeed serves His own glory and the good of His people and the opposition it’s faced since the beginning.

To Serve the Glory of God and the Good of Mankind

In each instance where God gave counsel to people in the Bible, God was serving His own glory and the good of His people. When God instructed Adam regarding the tree of knowledge, God was displaying something about His own holiness as well as serving Adam’s best interest (by giving truth to preserve Adam’s life). God’s counsel to Cain was to instruct Cain in the proper worship of a holy God and prevent Cain’s collapse under the mastery of sin. God’s counsel to Moses before Moses and Aaron counseled Pharaoh was in preparation for the display of God’s sovereign power over creation and the hearts of mankind, and to deliver His people from

To the full-length post originally published on this site.