My gratitude goes to Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for sponsoring the blog this week. They wanted to be sure you know about their Church Institute which offers free theological training for the local church.

There are, once again, some new Kindle deals to consider today.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Field Guide on Gender and Sexuality)

The Wedding of the Century

“Last week what has been dubbed the ‘wedding of the century’ took place in Indiaas the children of two of the richest men in the world married. It is said that the marriage of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant has cost over $600m, though given the groom’s father is worth $120bn it represents less than 0.5% of his wealth.” There is something we can learn from this extravagance.

Where Loss Leads: Why Grieving People Need a Theology of Giving

Pierce Taylor Hibbs: “The world offers us a plethora of options to numb the sharp pangs of loss—ranging from the physical to the material, the psychological to the relational. We chase after dopamine hits and oxytocin boosts from sex—the flights of feeling. We buy fine leather and woven cotton—adornments for

To the full-length post originally published on this site.