I am a school teacher, and an instrumental music teacher at that. These days of going back to school with no students, and trying to teach music over a computer, have been most anxiety-inducing. I’d love hearing thoughts or wisdom from one of your writers regarding this. 

My first thought is: please don’t quit. Every teacher I have spoken with has felt unprecedented burdens during this pandemic season. New, glitchy technology. Students whose attention wavers. No dynamic, live student participation. More work, which doesn’t seem to have much fruitful effect.

And instrumental music teachers experience all this more intensely. You tend to have more hands-on involvement in your classroom, and that has been gutted. Everything you try will fall short of your expectations.

Here are a few thoughts about God’s words to you.

Talk to God

First, express your trust in the Lord by speaking to him. This can be difficult in times of stress, because it seems too leisurely, and anxiety would like a solution soon. To slow down is counterintuitive.

But God wants you to “pour out your heart before him” (Ps. 62:8). Talking to God is how we start releasing our burdens to him (Matt. 11:28). So

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.