Good morning from northern Italy. The first conference of this trip has wrapped up and I’m beginning to make my way to Austria for the next!

There’s another mega-list of Kindle deals today. You’ll find several books on parenting, a couple on being a better Bible reader, and quite a lot else including many of the MacArthur Bible Studies.

This week at Westminster Books you’ll find a great deal on a new book by Tim Chester—a sequel to another really good book.

Pro-Natalism After the Fall

I think it’s important for Christians to continue to make the case for marriage and for childbearing. Joel Carini takes on the latter in this article from Mere Orthodoxy.

Why a Good God Commanded the Israelites to Destroy the Canaanites

It can be difficult for us to imagine how God could be good even as he commanded the destruction of the Canaanites. Jonathan Noyes provides a compelling answer for STR.

Walking Our Wives through the Valley of Miscarriage: An Encouragement to Husbands

I’m certain there are some husbands who can (or in the future will) benefit from this article. “When our miscarriage

To the full-length post originally published on this site.