The God of peace be with you today, my friends.

Today’s Kindle deals include a book by Christopher Ash that your pastor wishes you would read along with several other great picks.

(Yesterday on the blog: Lowest and Last of All)

John Piper on Brokenhearted Boldness: A Christian Alternative to Outrage Culture

Randy Alcorn shares a key bit of writing from John Piper on the importance of brokenhearted boldness. “Boldness can become brash, harsh, severe, cruel, angry, impatient, contentious, belligerent, coarse, crude, snarky, snide, loud, garish, obnoxious — all in the name of Christian courage. Or more subtly, boldness in the cause of truth can become, even if less brash and severe, more all-consuming. It can become such a fixation that all other beautiful affections and dispositions are eaten away from within.”

Why Didn’t Jesus Defeat the Romans? (Video)

Many have wondered why Jesus didn’t defeat the Romans, though I guess he did, in a sense. Alastair Roberts speaks on that in this brief video.

How Do Spiritually Mature Christians Handle Suffering?

Bob Kellemen: “Much of our thinking about suffering is unbiblical. We tend to think that spiritual

To the full-length post originally published on this site.