

Shepherd Press Podcast, Episode 2: A Proverbs Driven Life

n this episode of the Shepherd Press Podcast, host Anthony Russo interviews Anthony Selvaggio, pastor, author, and former attorney, about his book 'A Proverbs Driven Life.' The discussion covers the book of Proverbs and its importance in providing wisdom that applies to human life, particularly in areas such as words, work, wealth, and relationships. Selvaggio elaborates on the differences between wisdom and knowledge, how to apply wisdom in practical life situations, and how Proverbs ultimately leads one to Christ. Key themes include the application of Proverbs to speech, the balance between work and rest, insights on marriage, and the overarching pursuit of wisdom as part of a God-centered life.

Kevin Carson


RPM Ministries - Bob Kellemen


Lucy Ann Moll


The 5 Lies of Panic Attacks

When panic attacks occur, the sufferer hopes that the terror will stop instantly and never return. This is a certain truth about panic attacks: no one wants them, ever. Panic attacks are brief episodes of intense dread accompanied by physical symptoms like an irregular or rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms. When you’re in the middle […] The post The 5 Lies of Panic Attacks appeared first on Lucy Ann Moll.

Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry (FBCM)


Learning to Love Waiting, Part 2

In part 1 we looked at Psalm 25:3 which promises that, “Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.” What an amazing positive promise to the those who wait for the Lord and also a warning to those who don’t wait on him (i.e.... read more The post Learning to Love Waiting, Part 2 appeared first on Counseling with Confidence and Compassion.

Biblical Counseling for Women


Angry and Frustrated

Here is what I have seen to be good and fitting: to eat, to drink and enjoy oneself in all one’s labor in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward. Furthermore, as for every man to whom God has given riches […] The post Angry and Frustrated appeared first on Biblical Counseling for Women.

IBCD (Jim Newheiser)


The Gospel Brings Healing

I find that many Christians get uncomfortable when talking about God and healing. To discuss God brining physical healing raises controversial questions about spiritual gifts. To discuss emotional healing seems […] The post The Gospel Brings Healing appeared first on IBCD.

Biblical Counseling Coalition (BCC)


Handling Disagreements within the Biblical Counseling Movement

Disagreements across a movement as broad as the Biblical Counseling Movement (BCM) are inevitable—and can even be helpful. The value of a coalition is the combination of shared theological commitments amid diverse perspectives. This can be a great aid to constructive discussion and robust debate, helping us all think through issues more clearly. This means good disagreements help us mature—as individuals and even as a movement. Continue Reading →

Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF)


10 Ideas for Better Conversations

Most of us would like to learn how to have better conversations with those around us. We would like the awkward conversations to be less awkward. We would like the great ones to be more frequent. For people who know Jesus Christ, we want these great conversations even more because our words are the primary […] The post 10 Ideas for Better Conversations appeared first on CCEF.

Institute for Nouthetic Studies (Jay Adams)



Beware of those who frequently use the word "nuance," or some derivative thereof. "Why?" Because they may be attempting to "snow you" by using that term. "What does the word mean?" It comes from a French word that means "shades," and refers, for instance, to various subtle shades of color. "I still don't get it." ... The post Nuanced! appeared first on Institute for Nouthetic Studies | Biblical Counseling.

Tim Challies


Bowed Down By What Makes Them Beautiful

There is no need to be concerned about snow in September” we were told as we began to pack and prepare for a trip to Austria. The travel sites said it wouldn’t come until later in the year, except perhaps on the highest peaks. Yet even as we drove from the Slovenian foothills into the Austrian Alps, rain turned to flurries and flurries turned to snow. Signs warned we ought to stick to the valleys and avoid the high passes. By the time we reached our destination, inches had fallen, blanketing the world in dazzling white. The next morning I put on several layers of warm-weather clothing and went for a walk by myself. The world was pristine, the ground untouched by footsteps or tracks. The peaks that tower over the town were obscured by the clouds and by the flakes that continued to fall down and pile up. Every tree was coated in snow, almost as if God had told them to don their winter attire. Trees are beautiful in their own right, of course, but there is something about that snow that makes them more beautiful still. I found a marker for a trail and followed it, trudging through deep woods made up of towering conifers. And then as the trail curved, the woods turned deciduous and I saw something that made me pause and consider: The trees had grown so heavy that they had bent under the weight of the snow, their bows now frozen to the ground. The branches that were…See AlsoA La Carte (November 29)Not Just the Bad ThingsHow To Survive A Canadian Winter

Shepherd Press - Jay Younts


Shepherd Press Podcast, Episode 2: A Proverbs Driven Life

n this episode of the Shepherd Press Podcast, host Anthony Russo interviews Anthony Selvaggio, pastor, author, and former attorney, about his book 'A Proverbs Driven Life.' The discussion covers the book of Proverbs and its importance in providing wisdom that applies to human life, particularly in areas such as words, work, wealth, and relationships. Selvaggio elaborates on the differences between wisdom and knowledge, how to apply wisdom in practical life situations, and how Proverbs ultimately leads one to Christ. Key themes include the application of Proverbs to speech, the balance between work and rest, insights on marriage, and the overarching pursuit of wisdom as part of a God-centered life.



Desiring God


Gospel Mercies


The Birth, Life, and Death of an Intrusive Thought

This article explores the prevalence and impact of intrusive thoughts, particularly in the context of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It delves into the development of intrusive thoughts and offers biblical counsel on addressing them, emphasizing the normalization of such thoughts and the importance of controlling attention towards them.

Shepherd Press Podcast, Episode 2: A Proverbs Driven Life

n this episode of the Shepherd Press Podcast, host Anthony Russo interviews Anthony Selvaggio, pastor, author, and former attorney, about his book ‘A Proverbs Driven Life.’ The discussion covers the book of Proverbs and its importance in providing wisdom that applies to human life, particularly in areas such as words, work, wealth, and relationships. Selvaggio elaborates on the differences between wisdom and knowledge, how to apply wisdom in practical life situations, and how Proverbs ultimately leads one to Christ. Key themes include the application of Proverbs to speech, the balance between work and rest, insights on marriage, and the overarching pursuit of wisdom as part of a God-centered life.

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Handling Disagreements within the Biblical Counseling Movement

Disagreements across a movement as broad as the Biblical Counseling Movement (BCM) are inevitable—and can even be helpful. The value of a coalition is the combination of shared theological commitments amid diverse perspectives. This can be a great aid to constructive discussion and robust debate, helping us all think through issues more clearly. This means good disagreements help us mature—as individuals and even as a movement. Continue Reading →

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Bowed Down By What Makes Them Beautiful

There is no need to be concerned about snow in September” we were told as we began to pack and prepare for a trip to Austria. The travel sites said it wouldn’t come until later in the year, except perhaps on the highest peaks. Yet even as we drove from the Slovenian foothills into the Austrian Alps, rain turned to flurries and flurries turned to snow. Signs warned we ought to stick to the valleys and avoid the high passes. By the time we reached our destination, inches had fallen, blanketing the world in dazzling white. The next morning I put on several layers of warm-weather clothing and went for a walk by myself. The world was pristine, the ground untouched by footsteps or tracks. The peaks that tower over the town were obscured by the clouds and by the flakes that continued to fall down and pile up. Every tree was coated in snow, almost as if God had told them to don their winter attire. Trees are beautiful in their own right, of course, but there is something about that snow that makes them more beautiful still. I found a marker for a trail and followed it, trudging through deep woods made up of towering conifers. And then as the trail curved, the woods turned deciduous and I saw something that made me pause and consider: The trees had grown so heavy that they had bent under the weight of the snow, their bows now frozen to the ground. The branches that were…See AlsoA La Carte (November 29)Not Just the Bad ThingsHow To Survive A Canadian Winter

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A La Carte (September 20)

A La Carte: Lose the gospel, return to childishness / The kingdom didn’t come for daughters like me / How to be an anxiety fighter / Terminological appropriation / All those things we never did / and moreSee AlsoA La Carte (July 23)A La Carte (May 30)A La Carte (May 16)

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