One of the things that really drew me to Biblical Counseling was the idea of compassion in counseling. I love the strong tie to the sufficiency of Scripture and the belief that the Bible contains everything we need for living a righteous life. I love the reliance on the Holy Spirt and the power that comes from the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. I love the practical application of the text of God’s Word written years ago to help us in our greatest time of modern needs.

However, the idea of being able to compassionately come alongside those who are hurting and show them the ultimate hope we have in Christ is what drew me in. I have spent plenty of time on both sides of the counseling desk. I have watched a skilled counselor compassionately help people through the struggles of living in a sin-cursed world as I was observing counseling. I have personally experienced the compassionate application of the Word of God to help correct some ways that I have struggled as a counselee. And I have seen cases that have come through my office where compassion was adequately used and unfortunately where it

To the full-length post originally published on this site.