A Word from Bob
I’ve adapted today’s post from The Annual Guide to Biblical Counseling Resources: 2022 Edition. The Biblical Counseling Coalition now oversees and distributes The Annual Guide. For 2022 (as for 2018-2021), I provided the collation and content for The Annual Guide.
Adams, Jay. A Theology of Christian Counseling: More Than Redemption
A Theology of Christian Counseling connects biblical doctrine with practical living. In this book, the reader will gain an insight into the rich theological framework that supports and directs a biblical approach to counseling. And the connection between solid theology and practical application will become compelling.
Arms, Donn, and Dave Swavely, Editors. Whole Counsel: The Public and Private Ministries of the Word
Jay Adams’ landmark book Competent to Counsel was first published 50 years ago, and it was the first of over 100 books that he has written. The editors and contributors hope that this volume will be used by God to spark a resurgence of interest in Dr. Adams’ teaching, and more importantly, a return to the timeless truths of Scripture on which it is based.
Biblical Counseling Coalition. Biblical Counseling Coalition Confessional Statement
The Confessional Statement of the Biblical Counseling Coalition involved over three dozen biblical counseling leaders collaborating
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.