What Should Biblical Counselors Do with Secular Counseling? 

In a recent blog post here at RPM Ministries’ Truth & Love blog site, I shared 6 Words Describing What Jay Adams and Nouthetic Counseling Do with Secular Psychology. I drew this post from an interview that David Powlison did with Jay Adams and John Bettler on the 25th anniversary of the launch of the modern nouthetic counseling  movement.[i]

In the course of their discussion, Adams, Bettler, and Powlison suggest 6 “R” words that can label what nouthetic counselors do with secular psychology:

Recycle It Reinterpret It Reshape It Reconcile It Redeem It Recast It What Did Martin Luther Do with Worldly Counsel?

This reminded me of how Martin Luther “re-narrates” worldly counsel. I’ve written two publications on Martin Luther’s counseling.

My Book, Published by New Growth Press: Counseling Under the Cross: How Martin Luther Applied the Gospel to Daily Life My Ph.D. Dissertation: Spiritual Care in Historical Perspective: Martin Luther as a Case Study in Christian Sustaining, Healing, Reconciling, and Guiding

Today, I’ll use my book and dissertation to highlight one example of how:

Martin Luther redeems a worldly narrative that was prominent and popular in

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.