I’m pondering a fresh interpretation of segments of the modern biblical counseling movement’s worldview. I’m wondering if our biblical counseling understanding of people (“theological anthropology”) may, perhaps, be “a bit off.”
What Do You Think?
Let me know what you think about my ponderings.
Here goes…
More Than Just “Volitional”
Could it be that we’ve made “volitionality” an “idol of the heart”?
We seem to make much of “just choose to do right; just choose to feel right!”
This mindset puts our will/volitional capacity on the throne—exalting the will/choice above all other aspects of God’s design for us.
We worship willpower.
But the Bible Says…
The Bible clearly describes us as much more complex than simply volitional/choosing beings.
We are complex, interactive beings.
We are embodied-souls embedded-socially in a fallen world system under the prince of the power of the air (Satan).
We are relational, spiritual, social, self-aware, rational, volitional, emotional, physical beings in fallen flesh in a fallen world, called to progressive, comprehensive sanctification that, biblically and theological, includes much more than just “emotional voluntarism” (feel right, do right, instantaneously by sheer willpower).
What This Means for Soul Physicians of Embodied-Souls Embedded-Socially
Because we
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.