The God of love and peace be with you on this fine day.

(Yesterday on the blog: Three Respectable Sins of Pastors)

Seeking Wisdom Without Training Wheels: An Exhortation to Christian Graduates

Though this article is primarily for recent graduates, it includes wisdom and exhortations that will benefit all of us.

David Powlison on Zealous Polemicists

This is some brief but helpful material from David Powlison. Without care, all of us can become “zealous polemicists.”

The Actual Divisive Ones

Mitch Chase shows how we can sometimes be wrong about who is actually being divisive.

What Is Christian Nationalism?

This is quite a long article, but it will prove helpful if you’re interested in figuring out what is meant by “Christian Nationalism”. It looks at definitions from both proponents and detractors.

Are the Stories of Jesus Borrowed From Pagan Myths? (Video)

I’m sure we have all heard that the stories of Jesus were just borrowed from pagan myths. Dr. Timothy Paul Jones explains how this at first concerned him and how he now answers it.

As for Those Rich in Books in This Present

To the full-length post originally published on this site.