
Cornucopia is from the Latin combining two words which means “a horn filled with plenty.” It has come to mean “an abundant, overflowing supply; a variety of resources.”

What’s Been My “Cornucopia” Focus the Past Month? 

I was honored this morning when I saw that Tim Challies had linked to one of my recent posts in Tim’s A La Carte Daily.

That got me thinking,

With our move from Washington to Florida, what’s been my blogging focus in the past month?

The answer surprised myself! I’ve had a cornucopia of posts.

Posts Interacting with Heath Lambert

In the past few weeks, I’ve crafted five blog posts related to discussions within the biblical counseling community:

3 Biblical Principles to Apply in Response to Heath Lambert’s Confrontation Priests, Zombies, and Prophets, Oh My!: Engaging Publicly with Heath Lambert’s Public Writings Heath, Jay, and Donn…And Mischaracterizing Fellow Biblical Counselors Engaging Publicly with Heath Lambert’s Public Writings: Part 2: Hearing Heath Is Bob to the “Left” of Dale and Heath in the Modern BC Movement? “No.”

These posts have been my attempts to respectfully and reasonably engage with Heath Lambert’s first post in his series of posts about what Heath sees

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.