On Saturday I returned home from a lengthy overseas trip and thought I’d share a few notes about what I saw and experienced along the way. While the original and primary purpose of the visit was to get to northern Zambia to speak at a conference for pastors and church leaders, it turned into an opportunity to do quite a lot more.

After back-to-back overnight flights from Toronto to London and London to Johannesburg, I took advantage of a 25-hour layover to visit Onthatile Children’s Ministries. This is a ministry meant to help address the orphan crisis in South Africa (where it is estimated there may be as many as 3 million orphaned children). Because the government there is largely opposed to the institutional setting of traditional orphanages, this ministry focuses on fostering and adoption within families. To that end, Joel and Rachel Kirby, who hail from America, have established a home where they can raise their own children (some by birth and some by adoption) while also welcoming in six orphaned foster children—the maximum allowed by law. With their house full, they now plan to build several more on the property where other families can settle and

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.